Monday, May 14, 2012

WCF-DataContract Example

Interface and Classes : IDataContService.cs

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.ServiceModel;
using System.Text;

namespace DataContractDatBinding
    public interface IDataContService
        FundDetail getFunds();

        Pricedetail getpricedetail(int FundID);
        List<Pricedetail> GetListPricedetails(int FundID);
        string[] ArayFund();

        Pricedetail[] GetPriceDetailClassArray();
        string[] getpbjectvalues();

    public class ClassObjectreturn
        object _Objval = new object() ;
        public object ObjectValue
            get { return _Objval; }
            set { _Objval = value; }

    public class FundDetail
        private int _FundID;
        private string _FundName;     

        public int FundID_Master
            get { return _FundID; }
            set { _FundID = value; }
        public string FundName
            get { return _FundName; }
            set { _FundName = value; }

        List<Pricedetail> prices;

        public List<Pricedetail> pricedetailslist
                if (prices == null)
                    prices = new List<Pricedetail>();
                return prices;
                prices = value;

    public class Pricedetail //: FundDetail
        private int _PriceID;
        private int _FundID;
        private DateTime _PriceDate;
        private DateTime? _IssuedDate;  // For Nullable value , Dont know when price issued
        private string _FundSize;
        private decimal _Bid;
        private decimal _Offer;

        [DataMember(Name = "PriceIDNo", Order = 1)]
        public int PriceID
            get { return _PriceID; }
            set { _PriceID = value; }

        [DataMember(Name = "PriceFundID", Order = 0)]
        public int FundID
            get { return _FundID; }
            set { _FundID = value; }
        [DataMember(Name = "DateOfPrice", Order = 3)]
        public DateTime PriceDate
            get { return _PriceDate; }
            set { _PriceDate = value; }

        [DataMember(Order = 6)]
        public Nullable<DateTime> IssuedDate
            get { return _IssuedDate; }
            set { _IssuedDate = value; }

        [DataMember(Name = "SizeOfFund", Order = 2)]
        public string FundSize
            get { return _FundSize; }
            set { _FundSize = value; }

        [DataMember(Order = 5)]
        public decimal Bid
            get { return _Bid; }
            set { _Bid = value; }
        [DataMember(Order = 4)]
        public decimal Offer
            get { return _Offer; }
            set { _Offer = value; }


    public class FundClass : FundDetail
        private int _FundClassID;
        private string _FundClass;
        public int FundClassID
            get { return _FundClassID; }
            set { _FundClassID = value; }
        public string FundClassName
            get { return _FundClass; }
            set { _FundClass = value; }

Service  : DataContService.svc

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.ServiceModel;
using System.Text;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Xml;


namespace DataContractDatBinding

    public class DataContService : IDataContService
         SqlConnection Conn;
         public DataContService()
            Conn = new SqlConnection("Connection String");

         List<Pricedetail> listOfprices = new List<Pricedetail>();

         public FundDetail getFunds()


                 List<Pricedetail> fundPriceList = new List<Pricedetail>();
                 Pricedetail dc = new Pricedetail();
                 SqlCommand Cmd = new SqlCommand("Select top 5 PriceID,FundID,convert(varchar(50),FundSize) as FundSize,bid,offer,Pricedate from tblPrice where FundID=" + 7 + " order by Pricedate desc ", Conn);
                 SqlDataReader dr = Cmd.ExecuteReader();
                 while (dr.Read())
                     dc.PriceID = Convert.ToInt32(dr["PriceID"].ToString());
                     dc.FundID = Convert.ToInt32(dr["FundID"].ToString());
                     dc.FundSize = dr["FundSize"].ToString();
                     dc.Bid = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["bid"].ToString());
                     dc.Offer = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["offer"].ToString());
                     dc.IssuedDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dr["Pricedate"].ToString());
                     dc.PriceDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dr["Pricedate"].ToString());
             FundDetail _objFund = new FundDetail();
             _objFund.FundID_Master = 7;
             _objFund.FundName  = "MasterFund";
             _objFund.pricedetailslist = fundPriceList;


             // This part is user to Serialize Funddetail Class /

             DataContractSerializer ds = new DataContractSerializer(typeof(FundDetail));
             XmlWriterSettings settings = new XmlWriterSettings() { Indent = true };
             using (XmlWriter w = XmlWriter.Create("person.xml", settings))
             ds.WriteObject(w, _objFund);

             // Deserialize the data and read it from the instance.
              FileStream fs = new FileStream("person.xml", FileMode.Open);
              XmlDictionaryReader reader = XmlDictionaryReader.CreateTextReader(fs, new XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas());
              DataContractSerializer ser = new DataContractSerializer(typeof(FundDetail));
              FundDetail dser = (FundDetail)ser.ReadObject(reader, true);

// Here we are returning  De Serializer object
              return dser;


         public Pricedetail getpricedetail(int FundID)

             SqlCommand Cmd = new SqlCommand("Select top 1 PriceID,FundID,convert(varchar(50),FundSize) as FundSize,bid,offer,Pricedate from tblPrice where FundID=" + FundID + " order by Pricedate desc ", Conn);
             SqlDataReader dr = Cmd.ExecuteReader();
             Pricedetail dc = new Pricedetail();
             while (dr.Read())
                 dc.PriceID = Convert.ToInt32(dr["PriceID"].ToString());
                 dc.FundID = Convert.ToInt32(dr["FundID"].ToString());
                 dc.FundSize = dr["FundSize"].ToString();
                 dc.Bid = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["bid"].ToString());
                 dc.Offer = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["offer"].ToString());
                 dc.IssuedDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dr["Pricedate"].ToString());
                 dc.PriceDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dr["Pricedate"].ToString());


             return dc;


         public List<Pricedetail> GetListPricedetails(int FundID)
             SqlCommand Cmd = new SqlCommand("Select top 5 PriceID,FundID,convert(varchar(50),FundSize) as FundSize,bid,offer,Pricedate from tblPrice where FundID=" + FundID + " order by Pricedate desc ", Conn);
             SqlDataReader dr = Cmd.ExecuteReader();
             Pricedetail dc = new Pricedetail();
             while (dr.Read())
                 dc.PriceID = Convert.ToInt32(dr["PriceID"].ToString());
                 dc.FundID = Convert.ToInt32(dr["FundID"].ToString());
                 dc.FundSize = dr["FundSize"].ToString();
                 dc.Bid = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["bid"].ToString());
                 dc.Offer = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["offer"].ToString());
                 dc.IssuedDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dr["Pricedate"].ToString());
                 dc.PriceDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dr["Pricedate"].ToString());
             return listOfprices;
         public string[] ArayFund()
             string[] result;
             SqlCommand Cmd = new SqlCommand("Select top 10 FundName from tblfund order by FundID", Conn);
             SqlDataReader dr = Cmd.ExecuteReader();
             Pricedetail dc = new Pricedetail();
             using (DataTable dt = new DataTable())
               result = new string[dt.Rows.Count];          
               for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                   result[i] = dt.Rows[i]["FundName"].ToString();
           return  result;


         public Pricedetail[] GetPriceDetailClassArray()

             SqlCommand Cmd = new SqlCommand("Select top 5 PriceID,FundID,convert(varchar(50),FundSize) as FundSize,bid,offer,Pricedate from tblPrice where FundID=" + 7 + " order by Pricedate desc ", Conn);
             SqlDataReader dr = Cmd.ExecuteReader();
             Pricedetail dc = new Pricedetail();
             while (dr.Read())
                 dc.PriceID = Convert.ToInt32(dr["PriceID"].ToString());
                 dc.FundID = Convert.ToInt32(dr["FundID"].ToString());
                 dc.FundSize = dr["FundSize"].ToString();
                 dc.Bid = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["bid"].ToString());
                 dc.Offer = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["offer"].ToString());
                 dc.IssuedDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dr["Pricedate"].ToString());
                 dc.PriceDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dr["Pricedate"].ToString());


             //Pricedetail[] priceObject = listOfprices.ToArray() ;

             return listOfprices.ToArray();



         string[] IDataContService.getpbjectvalues()
             ClassObjectreturn _objFund = new ClassObjectreturn();
             string[] b = new string[10];
             _objFund.ObjectValue = b;
             return b;

TEST Service 

Step 1 . view service in browser and get URL

Step 2 .  Open Visual studio command prompt aand type WCFTESTCLIENT which will open window and you can paste url there as shown in image below

 step 3. After click ok button below screen will open where you can test all methods 


Step 4. Double Click on first method getFunds() and click on Invoke button.You can see output in screen below.

In above class Datacontract we define datamember List<Pricedetail> which retrieve Price detail for specified FundID eg: 7 .

        public List<Pricedetail> pricedetailslist
                if (prices == null)
                    prices = new List<Pricedetail>();
                return prices;
                prices = value;
In GetFunds()  method we fill list with price details for FundID 7 and assign to member pricedetailslist.

Note : In this method We are also Serialize Funddetail Class Object and save data in XML File which is shown below after that we De Serialize  data and return DeSerialize object.

My concern here is to show how to  Serialize  and De Serialize Class objects as well. 


XML File

GetPricedetail() method return Price detail for specific FundID eg : 7
This method return FundPrice Class Object with data.

GetListPricedetails() Method return Generic List with Price datils 

Array Fund() Method return Array Of Fund Names


 GetPriceDetailClassArray() method return  price detail Class Array

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