Tuesday, June 19, 2012

MVC- ViewData and ViewBag

Difference between ViewData and ViewBag

Both objects ViewData and ViewBag used to pass data from Controller to View and From View to Controller.
ViewData is a dictionary object where you can put data, which then becomes available to the view.
ViewData is a derivative of the ViewDataDictionary class, so you can access by the familiar “key/value” syntax.

ViewBag uses the dynamic feature and it  allows an object to dynamically have properties added to it.
As ViewBag is a dynamic property, instead of writing ViewData[“Value”]=”someValue”, we can write ViewBag.Value=”SomeValue”.
 We can just get or set properties and it will resolve them dynamically at run time.
ViewBag internally uses ViewData to store the values,
 ViewBag properties are stored as name/value pairs in the ViewData dictionary.
Note :  Values stored in ViewData can be accessed by ViewBag and  vice versa.

Example below


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Mvc;

namespace MvcTextApplication.Controllers
    public class ViewBagController : Controller
        public ActionResult VDataSample1()
            List<string> Prices = new List<string>();
            ViewData["Prices"] = Prices;
            ViewData["FundName"] = "US Microcap";
            ViewData["FundClass"] = "Class A";
            List<string> Currency = new List<string>();
            ViewBag.CurrenyList = Currency;

            ViewBag.FundDate = DateTime.Now.ToString(); 

            return View();



<h2>Simple View data Sample</h2>
    <b style="color:Red"><u> Fund Details using View Data</u></b><br />
    <b>Fund Name  :  <%: ViewData["Fund Name"]%></b><br />
    <b>Fund Class :  <%: ViewData["FundClass"]%></b><br />
    <b>FundDate(storen in ViewBag) :  <%: ViewData["FundDate"]%></b>     

<b style="color:Red"><u> Fund Prices</u></b>
<ul id="Funds">
<% foreach (var price in ViewData["Prices"] as List<string>)
   { %>
       <%: price %>
<% } %>

<b style="color:Red"><u> View Bag Currency LIST</u></b>
<ul id="Ul2">
<% foreach (var cur in ViewData["CurrenyList"] as List<string>)
   { %>
       <%: cur%>
<% } %>

<hr />

    <b style="color:Red"><u> Fund Details using ViewBag</u></b><br />
    <b>Fund Name  :  <%: ViewBag.FundName %></b><br />
    <b>Fund Class : <%: ViewBag.FundClass%></b><br /> 
    <b style="color:Red"><u> Fund Prices</u></b>

<ul id="Ul1">
<% foreach (var price in ViewBag.Prices)
   { %>
       <%: price %>
<% } %>
<b style="color:Red"><u>Currency List</u></b>
<ul id="Ul3">
<% foreach (var cur in ViewBag.CurrenyList)
   { %>
       <%: cur %>
<% } %>

OutPut :

1 comment :

  1. great work..Lavi..daily reader of

